Does thought or language come first?
Language is both an important communication tool and a proxy to the human mind
It should not surprise that natural language processing is one of the major subfields of artificial intelligence
Its goal is to make machines master human language to perform intelligent linguistic tasks
Among all human intelligent abilities, language and thought are undoubtedly the highest ones. Their Dependencies are so tight that a long tradition of research has investigated which of these two abilities is prior to the other. Independently from the answer to this question, it is irrefutable that language covers a fundamental communicative role for human beings (evolutionarily speaking, it was so important that it developed at the cost of penalizing other functions, including breathing), often functioning also like a proxy to their mind.
It should not, thus, surprise that Natural Language Processing is one of the major subfields of Artificial Intelligence. This discipline aims at making machines master human language to perform tasks such as speech recognition and synthesis, text comprehension and generation, and so on.
In the last five years, my colleagues and i worked at numerous topics in natural language processing, including lexical distributional semantics (i.e. representing word meaning, word similarity and word relation), event knowledge representation (i.e. representing knowledge about events and their participants), sentiment analysis of non-literal tweets (i.e. deciding whether ironic or metaphorical tweets are positive or negative), grammar checkers (i.e. correcting orthographic, grammatical and stylistic writing mistakes), style transfer (i.e. turning texts from a style to another, such as from formal to informal) and information extraction (i.e. identifying relevant information in documents, reports and so on). Future research includes investigating topics such as question answering and machine translation.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
chu-ren huang
corpus linguistics professor, hk polytechnic university
postdoc, hk polytechnic university
It is most likely the first robot that speaks to God, any God. “The Prayer” was conceptualized by Diemut Strebe already in 2018 and its creation took approximately 2 years and a number of scientists and engineers. I have personally helped with the project management, assisting Diemut’s effort and enjoying every time we reached a milestone. Here is a description of the work…
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Il nostro studio, pubblicato sui Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL), uno dei più importanti journal nel settore della linguistica computazionale, descrive quasi due anni di lavoro, che hanno visto un team di cinque ricercatori internazionali…